Sunday, March 31, 2013

Pictures from Run the BlueGrass 2013

1 comment:

  1. Great report! Big congrats on your first half!! What a hilly one to start with! You're right in saying that it's all mental towards the end of the race. I'm sure this first half report will not be your last! If you're getting a lot of nausea when you run, I highly suggest changing whatever nutrition you're bringing along (the gel that's in my contest on my blog is the only one that doesn't make me sick to my tummy- actually, that's why I decided to be an ambassador for that company... here's the link if you need it

    But HUGE props to setting a tough goal and sticking to it. And you should come up north and run a half in Illinois- our flat land would feel like a 5K compared to KY! Best wishes! -Laura
